Impact Policy.

We seek to make a positive impact through all our actions, and look to our people and suppliers to share these ideas and goals.

We are Sedex Members and working to become a B-Corp.

Environment and Sustainability.

We recognises that our activities, and those managed on behalf of our clients have an impact on the environment. In all our activities, working practices and client relationships, we are committed to protecting, conserving and enhancing aspects of the environment we are able to influence or control; and to minimise impact.

We strive towards compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations.

Our environmental and sustainability commitments:

  1. Source 100% renewable energy sources
  2. Improve the efficiency of energy use in our buildings
  3. Partner with a number of third parties to achieve 100% carbon offset
  4. Aim for 100% electric vehicle road travel (taxi, ride share, and business ownership)
  5. To be 100% climate positive
  6. Use of products with a lower environment impact.  This includes recycled stationery and Eco cleaning products
  7. Recycle waste and materials - plastic, cans, glass, paper, cardboard and ink cartridges
  8. Minimise water use in our buildings
  9. Seek to prevent pollution arising from our services
  10. Take environmental considerations into account when selecting our suppliers and contractors

Our People.

We ensure our impact on our, and their impact is minimised by:

  1. Offering working-from-home
  2. No requirement to travel to a central work place, minimising travel and time impact
  3. Offering flexible working times to ensure work/life balance
  4. Carbon off-setting on behalf of our people every month  
  5. Helping them understand the environmental impacts our work has and their role in it
  6. Helping our people to assess and minimise their environmental impact at home

Our Partners and Suppliers.

We actively seek and favour partners and suppliers that provide eco-efficient, sustainable products and services.

We encourage our partners to adopt the environmental responsibility codes set out in our Ethics and conduct Policy.